The River Valley Area Agency on Aging serves 16 counties in west-central Georgia. We facilitate Evidence-Based Classes to empower individuals to better manage their health. These classes include Matter of Balance, Tai Chi, Chronic Disease/Diabetes Self-Management, and Powerful Tools for Caregivers.
The largest city in the region is Columbus followed by Americus and Cordele. Our region is primarily rural with all the advantages and disadvantages this brings. River Valley contracts with six (6) agencies/local governments to provide services such as Senior Centers, home-delivered meals, homemaker aide, personal care aide, in-home respite, voucher respite, legal services, and transition assistance for individuals from Long Term Facilities to the community. The Aging and Disability Resource Connection provides information and assistance as well as screenings/assessments for seniors in the region as well as their caregivers and short term case management.
Wellness Coordinator: Franetta Miles
Caregiver Specialist: Eboni Morris-Key
706-256-2900 or Direct Line 706-256-2943
Regional Offices: 710 Front Avenue, Suite A, Columbus, GA 31901