Falls Prevention Workshops

Falls prevention workshops are evidence-based classes that are developed to help decrease the fear of falling and improve physical activity levels.


A Matter of Balance:

A Matter of Balance is an 8-week structured group intervention that emphasizes practical strategies to reduce the fear of falling and increasing activity levels.

Participants will:

  • Learn to view falls and the fear of falling as controllable
  • Set realistic goals to increase their physical activity
  • Learn how to alter their environment to reduce fall risk factors
  • Exercise to increase strength and balance


This workshop was specifically developed for older adults who:

  • Are worried about falling
  • Have experienced a fall previously
  • Abstain from physical activities out of fear of falling
  • Want to improve their strength, balance, and flexibility

Tai Chi for Health and Balance

This program was developed for the Arthritis Foundation by Dr. Paul Lam. Tai Chi for Health and Balance (TCHB) uses gentle routines that are easy to learn, safe, and suitable for all levels of fitness. Tai Chi mixes agile steps, mental strength, and joint-safe physical activity to improve participant’s mobility, breathing, and relaxation. All of these benefits combine to help participants feel greater control over their daily lives.

Specific benefits include:

  • Enhanced balance, leg strength, mobility and flexibility
  • Lessened fear of falling
  • Improved psychological health


This workshop  mixes health education, exercise, and bingo to help older adults deal with the health problems they are facing. It is perfect for anyone, regardless of their current level of care as program is beneficial for all ranges of physical and mental ability. Bingocize has been shown to deliver social, cognitive, and physical improvements, and the best part is that it’s fun! Benefits of this program include:

  • Increased mobility and independence
  • Improved knowledge of fall reduction and health information
  • Social connectivity