Sleeping is important for many cognitive and physical functions, but the amount of sleep people need varies as they age and many adults over age 60 report sleep complaints. Poor sleep is associated with depression, anxiety, weight gain and obesity, reduced cognitive function, and sleep apnea which is associated with risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease, and type II diabetes.
Ways to enjoy a proper night’s sleep include being active during the day, both mentally and physically, through exercise and social connection. Other tips include reducing or avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine in the afternoon or within a few hours of bedtime, keeping your bedroom dark, stretching and concentrated breathing before bed, and avoiding stimulating activity and blue light.
For more tips on getting a better night’s sleep, visit
Foldvary-Schaefer, N. & Mora-Munoz, L. (2022, March 16). Sleep and Aging. U.S. News.
Castaneda, R. (2023, January 26). Why Is it Harder to Sleep When You Get Older? U.S. News.