In a seated position with good posture and feet flat on the floor, cross your…
Chair Exercises
Chest and Upper Back Stretch
In a seated position with good posture and shoulders back and down away from the…
Knee Extensions
Sitting toward the edge of a chair with good posture and bent knees, hold on…
Duck Wing Squeeze
In a seated position with good posture, place a ball underneath your right arm in…
Leg Squeezes
Sitting toward the edge of a chair with good posture and knees bent, place a…
Front Raises
In a seated position with good posture, hold a ball in both hands with palms…
Ball Chest Press
Seated in a chair with good posture, hold a ball with both hands at chest…
Self Back Massage
Seated in a chair with good posture, place a ball behind you and lean against…
Chair Exercise: Hand Squeeze
Seated in a chair with good posture, hold a ball with both hands slightly in…
Tummy Twist
Seated in a chair with good posture, hold a ball with both hands close to…