Using Visualization to Relax and Sleep Better

Visualization can be a powerful technique to help you unwind, relieve stress, and even fall asleep. Instead of focusing on anxious, fearful images, practicing visualization expands your ability to focus on calming and restful images.

To start, imagine places where you have felt deeply relaxed and peaceful. It may have been at the ocean, sitting in a favorite room, or walking in the mountains. Notice as many sensory details as you can such as the time of day, colors, temperature, texture, sounds, and any people or animals present. Then visualize this place for a few minutes before you go to bed.

At other times, you may find it is easier to engage in guided relaxation activities. In these activities, a guide leads you through a series of images or visualizations. Guided activities can be especially helpful if you are new to practicing visualization or want additional direction during your practice.

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