Meal Planning: Elderly Guidelines

It is important to eat healthy meals through all stages of life. It can be difficult to make healthy food choices, especially when you are drawn to ready-made meals that will save you time and energy. These choices are not always healthy, but they are also often high in sodium and fat. If you are creating a meal plan for yourself, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind to help you maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

Include plenty of liquids in your meal plan
Drink 2-3 glasses of low-fat milk throughout the day
Purchase a variety of vegetables to include in your meals
Check nutritional labels on packaged food to check for high sodium or salt content

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Healthy Meal Plans:
Pre-cut fruit or hard-boiled eggs can be purchased or made ahead and are healthy choices.

Salads are light and can be made ahead. All you need to do is toss it with dressing.

Utilize your crockpot if you have one to make meals such as chicken stir fry ahead of time.

Source: Griswold Home Care