As you age different health issues will pop-up that will require different forms of medication. If you are someone who has to take multiple medications it can get very confusing. Here are 8 tips to keep your medications straight:
- Be sure that one central source has a record of all the medications you’re taking. This can be your pharmacist or personal physician.
- Be aware that some foods can influence the effectiveness or safety of medications.
- Let your physician know if you are taking over-the-counter medicines. Vitamins, minerals, and herbals can interact with prescription drugs.
- Read instructions and warning labels for all medications you take. Some medications taken for one condition may adversely affect another condition.
- Avoid alcohol when taking medications.
- Don’t take a medication prescribed for someone else.
- Be aware that a new medication may cause side effects. Many side effects can be managed but always consult your doctor.
Source: Kaiser Permanente